About Us

Meet Ty Gadberry
Owner & Operator | Eagle Scout | Ph.D.
Whatever brought you here, thank you for your interest in my shop!
"GadCAD 3D has been my passion project and creative outlet since 2021. Many startups will describe their humble beginnings in a garage, but this one was in a much smaller apartment closet.
I've always loved creating things, whether it was videos, graphic design, robotics, software, or network infrastructure. Still, I can't say I imagined myself here a decade ago. I'm very grateful for the advances in 3D Printing tech and accessibility that coincided with many other factors in my life (stories for another time) and culminated in this work that I truly love.
Running a shop independently means I've had to wear a lot of hats. Product design, manufacturing, order fulfilment, maintenance, web development, customer service, sales, advertising, etc. It can be exhausting at times, but I really appreciate all of the support that's been shared over the last several years! It makes this work sincerely fulfilling in a way that's hard to describe.
Cheers to y'all and to all good things to come. Thanks and gig 'em!"
("Fun" facts seemed like a stretch)
Answers to questions you (probably) didn't ask.
Why the name "GadCAD 3D"?
My last name (Gadberry) + Computer-aided design (CAD; an industry standard acronym) + 3D (the things I make) = GadCAD 3D. Clever, right?
What's your design philosophy?
In brief:
- Quality and experience above all else.
- Invent real products, not fake problems.
- Create value through practical and simple solutions.
I'd love to expand on these and other factors in a future blog!
How do you decide what products to sell?
"Life, man~"
In truth, every product I've ever designed has come from something random I've encountered and though "Huh, this would suck a little less if..."
Not very profound, but I've the best ideas come organically. 90% of the things I come up with never make it to market for one logistical, practical, or economical reason or another.
What's your "vision"?
For now, its providing an incredible experience to anyone interested in the products/services I have to offer. Things are bound to change in the months/years to come, and I will adjust accordingly. :)
Do you have any social media?
Not at this time. Some channels exist but none are active. There are other mission-critical jobs to handle each day, and I rarely have time to produce content I'd want to share. (Hell, I'm hardly active on my personal accounts anymore...)
I don't have the means to expand beyond of a one-man operation at this time, but I'd love to hire a solid content creator down the road!
Is GadCAD 3D hiring?
Not at this time, but I wish I could! (Honestly, its not you- it's me.)
When GadCAD 3D has the capital and faculties to support additional staff, I'll be sure to announce it on this site!